FIRST Team Mentoring


FLL Team Mentoring

Along with our computer project, this year we also focused mentoring, and helping to start new FLL teams. We have helped mentor the FLL teams Geardogs, WC2G, and Lightning Bolts. Mainly helping them with their robot code and project presentations. We’ve spent countless meetings with them, teaching them how to effectively code and build their robot to accomplish their missions. Additionally, we have also helped these teams learn about the values of FIRST, and spread those values throughout the community. We also helped them to develop their project to maximize the benefits, minimize the risks, and learn things throughout the process. These meetings we spend with them are important, as it helps foster and develop the future of STEM, and FIRST in the community. The Lightning Bolts a 2nd/3rd grade team even made it to State! Overall we spent 250 hours on mentoring FLL Teams.

FTC/FRC Mentoring

Our outreach for FTC and FRC continues to grow. After the 30 Hour Build Event it gave us a chance to connect with a lot of teams along with increasing our video views. After this, we have had many teams reach out for help and guidance that we were able to provide.