Fright Frenzy Robot Challenge

Latest Project

Our 2021-2022 Robot

Below are image of our current robot for this season.

Latest Project

Our Main Robot Parts

We have 6 main robot parts, that are vital to the entire production.

Robot Software

Software Used For Robot To Work

We use FTC Dashboard to help program our autonomous system faster and more efficiently. We do this by using odometry pods that help track the distance and development in our independent program. FTC Dashboard helps us speed up the process of finding exact (x,y,z) coordinates that the robot needs to go to. It allows us to same a lot of time and be more precise than just guessing and checking over and over again. In addition, we also use FTC Dashboard to tune our odometry pods; it allows us to determine factors like the speed and velocity of the three wheels. Overall, the FTC dashboard is an excellent way that our software team takes their ideas and innovative thinking to the next level.